Friday 20 September 2013

To be creative

"Creativity is intelligence having fun" -Albert Einstein 
 To be creative is an ability to think in new, imaginative ways to create innovative or valuable ideas.
Being or having creativity has always interested me and I wonder in what ways it could be applied and encouraged in early childhood education.

In this blog I will share my thoughts as well as other ideas and theories that I believe may work to encourage creativity...
Because I believe that creativity should bring enjoyment, interest, curiosity to learn more and inspiration. Through using creativity children may gain confidence and trust in themselves, higher self esteem, motivation, perseverance and a positive gain to their personality (Duchnesne, McMaugh, Bochner & Krause, 2013).

Personally I find creativity naturally in the area of The Arts which are comprised through Dance, Drama, Music and especially Visual Arts (Ministry of Education, 2007) as this usually consists of creating something from nothing which in itself is creative isn't it?
But I do also hope to explore all areas of the learning curriculum in an early childhood setting where creativity emerges.

Mind map for beginning Creativity Blog.

Duchesne, S., McMaugh, A., Bochner, S., &Krause, K-L. (2013). Educational psychology for learning
        and teaching (4th ed.). Auckland, New Zealand: Cengage. 

Ministry of Education. (2007). The New Zealand curriculum. Wellington, NZ: Learning Media.