Saturday 5 October 2013

Teacher's role

“The creative adult is the child who survived”- Ursula K. Le Guin.

It is important to educate young children and encourage their imagination and creativity. By doing this teachers support children’s abilities to explore, understand and make connections of their world around them (Duffy, 2006). To support children’s creativity teachers could:
  • Understand how valuable it is to have creativity and imagination
  • Have knowledge about development, activities to provide, the roles they must take during this process and patterns of interest
  •  Plan the physical environment; is it exciting, motivating or stimulating?

Now brings me to my next question.
Is it a good thing to have a stimulating environment for children?
Would it create encouragement, easy access and be engaging or would it create too much choice?

For me I believe that it is important that a learning environment is safe, secure and pleasurable. Some spaces could be exciting and some spaces where there are places for resting. For a space encouraging creativity it needs to be exciting and inspiring but if it’s too stimulating it may be too much for children which children need to be aware and careful about. Interesting ways teachers could encourage children’s curiosity and wonder is to place materials or equipment in different areas around the centre for example placing a book in the block corner. This could prompt children to question and experiment with their creativity (MacNaughton & Williams, 2009). 


Duffy, B. (2006). Supporting Creativity and Imagination in the Early Years. Open University
       Press, Buckingham Philadelphia.

 MacNaughton, G & Williams, G. (2009). Techniques for teaching young children (3rd Ed).
               Australia: Pearson Education. 

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